We serve the individual with disabilities! The Jasmine Nyree Educational Center is committed to serving any person between the ages of 3 and 21 years, with a developmental disability (Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Autism, Down's Syndrome or other disabilities determined to be closely related to mental retardation. In order to be eligible for placement at The Jasmine Nyree Educational Center, the individual must be clinically diagnosed as having a developmental disability.
We serve families! The Jasmine Nyree Educational Center is not only designed to serve individuals with disabilities, but we are expanding our services to include families of children and young adults with disabilities. Our family support services will allow us to work with parents and other family members to provide enriching, interactive activities that can facilitate the developmental process in the home.
We serve the community! At the Jasmine Nyree Educational Center, we understand the importance of increasing public awareness and the importance of working with community members to develop supportive networks and linkages that can improve our collective quality of life. This is why the Jasmine Nyree Educational Center maintains ongoing community events and promotional campaigns that seeks to involve the total community. Everyone is welcome to take a tour of our facility and join us in partnership to make a better Kern County!
Our center is a Kern Regional Center vendor of services. We also have a master contract with Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS) which allows us to expand services.